Thursday, March 25, 2010

Day 2

Well today was harder than I had thought it would be based on how well yesterday went. My meals today should have cheesy eggs, grapefruit and milk, tuna salad, cucumber soup and pork tenderloin with various sides. However, I was just not hungry today at all! I did eat some of the eggs and the grapefruit as well as my midmorning protein bar. As for lunch I didn't eat anything and I ate some pistachios for a snack and decided on vegetable soup for dinner. The lack of eating would most likely be the reason that I was so tired today and actually fell asleep at my desk for over an hour(thanks everyone for letting me be). Anyhow, workout tonight was plyometrics which is a super fancy word for lots of jumping around. Doing things like pretending to jump through tires and chair assisted squats and what not. Anyhow, tomorrow is another day and I will make another attempt to eat more and will be working out with Bee tomorrow at the gym. More to come!

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