Monday, November 17, 2008

Deer Lease Weekend

This weekend we had a huge family outing to the deer lease. All 6 of us loaded up and spent a couple nights in the camper hanging out. Yes, that is a 24 ft camping trailer with two adults two 40lb +/- dogs and 2 10lb +/- dogs(Foley has gained a little weight in her older age and finally passed 10lbs) Anyhow, yes we have electricity and water out there so it isn't totally roughing it. For Rocky this was really his first experience running around the pastures with the big dogs and what an experience it was for him. I have attached a video of him ridding on the trailer with the big dogs while we set up a feeder this morning. I have also attached a video of Blake shooting a black powder rifle which packs a pretty big bang. I spent my time at the trailer taking down the ugly generic border and curtains that comes in campers and putting up camoflage border and making brown curtains with camoflage valances. It was a good weekend, with the exception of Blake not getting a deer and the fact that I am having to deal with dog gas from them eating to many scraps. It is nice to be able to get away from the city for awhile and just hang out.

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