Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Soooo Blake!

This is an email I received from Blake today. Thought I would pass it on, I am sure you can all see him saying this as well as I can. :) Enjoy!

I forgot to mention that we all had to start our day by being threatened of being fired for not wearing our safety glasses and gloves. People are talking about how out of control they are getting with the rules right now. Even the drillers are talking about how all of this is a bunch of BS. I'm looking for them to make an example of someone soon and run someone off for not wearing their gloves or glasses or touching a load or something. I can tell you that it won't be me! I'll tell you all about this when I get home. Oh and dirty jobs didn't have anything on me today. My red shirt was black...I just had to get a new one. I ingested plenty of oil and grease today too but it's all's environmentally friendly :)

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