Wednesday, March 18, 2009

4 months really???

My how time flies! I can't believe it has been 4 months since I last blogged. I promised myself I would be better at this and I will make that promise again. I envy my sisters ability to throw up a great story and pictures along with the two kids. Reading her life makes mine seem so boring and makes me wonder where my time really goes. I guess, a quick update on our world since my last blog.
November- We had Thanksgiving Dinner at our house, or course minus Blake because he had to leave out the day before. None the less we had my mom, brother, his girlfriend and roommate, blakes gma, cousin, her husband and two kids. Isn't the table beautiful?

December-My sister and her family came in for a couple weeks, which was fantastic. We all conveined at my parents house in Monahans, again Blake had to leave on xmas eve and that was hard but having the girls to play with made it better. Ryleigh, Blake and I also made a gingerbread house which was totally fun! They then came back to Arlington with me for a couple days before heading back to Canada.

January-We celebrated my birthday in Alpine which was great because I haven't been there in so long! We ate chicken tacos twice!!! WOOHOO!! The weather was decent and we just got to slow it down a bit! Which we totally need to do more often. My sister and I also met up with each other in New York City for a girls weekend which was so much fun. COLD, but fun! It is good to be adults and get to hang out like adults.
February-We spent Valentines weekend at the river, which made for another slow it down weekend. We then went to Kerrville for a night and did our best to knock out as much of grandmas to-do list as we could in 24 hrs. We also picked up Blake's desk, which is a gorgeous cedar desk that belonged to his grandfather. And looks stunning with the rest of our cedar furniture in our bedroom.
March-Earlier this month I traveld to Austin for a girls weekend for my friend Melissa's bachelorette party. We had a fantastic weekend, all girls doing all girl things! Much needed sometimes!
Blake left today for work. It always takes me a couple days to adjust and it leaves me with such a sense of empyness as I drive away from the airport. But, it will all be good in 14 days!


Jenn said...

It's easy to throw up a good story and some funny pics when you have things in your life that are more interesting than a table scape. Just ponder on that one...:) We had a graet time at Christmas too and the trip to New York was Aw-Some! Love you sis!

The Biddicks said...

That was a beautiful table scape I threw together in a time of sorrow!!!

Jenn said...

Yes, but can your table scape pick it's own boogers and them wipe them on its sister?